0861 11 22 56 / 0861 46 38 77    admin@infussionfinancial.co.za      8:00 - 16:30

iNFUSSION Financial Services

Affordable Quality Insurance


8 - Legal Products

Legal cover is a product that will pay legal fees for a lawyer to represent you or your family, including your spouse, life partner or children, in legal proceedings. With this policy, you enjoy the benefit of legal assistance through your insurer – if and when you need it. In addition, you can gain a better understanding and appreciation of your legal rights.

Our products are marketed and sold by: Infussion Brokers (Pty) Ltd, an authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP No 48548. Underwritten by: African Unity Life Ltd, a licensed Life Insurance company and authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP No 8447; Lion of Africa Life Assurance Company Ltd, a licensed Life Assurance Company and authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP No 15283; Yard Insurance Ltd, a licensed non-life Cell Captive Insurer and authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP No 17704.

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